About Me

I am an 18-year-old student at Strawberry Fields High School, Chandigarh, India. I enjoy coding and number-crunching, and believe that many a problem can be solved by searching for the right patterns in relevant data.






Computer Programming

Proficient coder skilled in Python and Java; worked with Google Maps API.

Data Analysis

Adept at handling large datasets using Pandas; worked with tick-by-tick data of NSE.

Bird Photography

Passionate bird watcher and photographer; member of Chandigarh Birding Club.

Piano Player

Accomplished pianist, skilled at various genres and performed in concerts; currently at Grade 8 of Trinity College, London.



Hi! I am an 18-year-old student at Strawberry Fields High School, Chandigarh, India. I enjoy coding and number-crunching, and believe that many a problem can be solved by looking for the right patterns in relevant data.

I am an enthusiastic bird-watcher, and I hope you will enjoy viewing my photos on this website. In addition to photography, playing the piano or watching sports is what I turn to when taking time off from work. In good weather, I often head out for early-morning bike rides.

I am passionate about aiming for excellence in whatever I undertake, and have consistently performed well through my student career. I am happy to help with any coding projects you may have, particularly those involving data-analysis, for which I like to work with Pandas in Python. I have also used Machine Learning in the past and am in the processes of delving deeper in it. I have written about my past projects in detail under the ‘Projects’ section.


Favorite Photos




Research under Prof. Ramabhadran Thirumalai

June 2023 - Present
Research Assistant

Traffic-flow evaluation using Google Maps API

Feb 2023 - Present
Voluntary Project

Wharton Global Investment Competition

Sep 2022 – Dec 2022
Team Lead

Internship at Alpha Alternatives Holdings Private Limited

May 2022 – Jun 2022
Summer Intern

Internship at Active Derivatives Private Limited

Sep 2021 – Mar 2022
Associate Intern

Google Maps API

Sample Images

Sample of request sent to Routes API to extract information about manuevers at a junction
API query for turns at a junction
Gridiron road network of Chandigarh
API response for all left and right turns at a junction
Visual depiction of encoded polyline contained in Routes API's response
Straight travel